Winter Allergies: Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Winter Allergies: Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

People all over the world suffer from different types of allergies throughout the year. Many people may think that allergies happen only during some specific months or seasons of the year, it is not the case because allergies can happen anytime.

Even in winter when the surrounding is cool and the weather is nice, allergies in winter do happen.

So if you were wondering can you get allergies in the winter or not, the answer is positively a yes. In this article we will talk about different winter allergies and other information about them.

What causes allergies in the Winter?

Many people suffer from allergies that are caused by pollen’s in summer and other seasons of the year. Therefore you might be wondering, what causes winter allergies when there is no pollen.

The answer to your thought is the fact that, in spite the absence of pollen’s in winter, there are several indoor allergens present right in your own house which causes allergy in winter.

Different allergens trigger different kinds of allergies in individuals during the months of winter.

Inspite of the facr that allergies in winter can be triggered because of various reasons, here are some of the most common allergens in winter.

  • Dust mites – dust mites are the microscopic bugs which can be found living in your mattresses and under the bedding. Their droppings and remains, when they become airborne can cause allergy symptoms.
  • Mold – molds grow and thrive in dampor wet, humid areas such as house basements, under ceilings and bathrooms. When the mold spores gets transmitted into the air, they can effectively trigger allergy symptoms.
  • Animals – animals may be very close to us and an integral part of our family, but they are also the reason which can cause winter allergies. Their body contains various pet dander and even their urine can spread allergens which causes allergies in winter.
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There are also other factors which contribute in spreading of allergens inside your home and therefore as a result seasonal allergies winter affects hundreds of people every season.

Symptoms of Allergies in Winter

Allergies can be identified easily because their symptoms are very common and understandable. Similarly allergies in winter have identifiable symptoms which you must look out for.

  • Coughing – people suffering from winter allergies cough a lot throughout the day. Since the allergens are airborne, they go inside the nasal tract which causes allergic reactions, thus causing severe coughs.
  • Itchy eyes and nose – people suffering from winter allergies have a itchy eye and nose as well because the allergens can easily get inside them and cause itchiness.
  • Watery eyes, running nose and dark circles are also some of the most common winter allergies symptoms. Many people mistake these symptoms with cold or fever.
  • Some severe allergens can also cause vomiting, shortness of breath and trouble in inhaling air in many individuals. These are caused because of anaphylaxis and have a negative impact upon the person’s health.

So here are the most common and easily identifiable winter allergies symptoms that you must look out for during the cold months.

Simple steps to prevent Winter Allergies

Allergies in the winter causes a lot of problems for the individuals. They face difficulties and troubles while doing their daily chores. However, there are a few simple steps which you can follow to prevent winter allergies significantly.

  • Using a good humidifier can prevent your house from getting damp and prevent allergens to settle in different parts of the house. Humidifier controls the dryness inside your house to prevent winter allergies cough.
  • Use a good and high efficient vacuum cleaner to vacuum all the dust, mites etc. Cleaning these allergens prevents the onset of winter allergies in your house.
  • Washing your sheets in in hot water at atleast 130° Fahrenheit helps you to get rid of different kinds of allergens stuck with them. Allergies in the winter can be avoided by doing so.
  • Take care of your pets and make sure that they receive at least a bath once in a week to minimize the presence of dander in their skin. Preventing the dander’s to enter your household will help to get rid of allergies in January which is during the winter.
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So here are the few things which you must keep in mind to prevent the allergens from spreading in your house and affecting the people living inside it with allergies in the winter.

Final Verdict

Even though many people do not take winter allergies seriously, you should not commit the same mistake. Allergies can be of different intensities and have a severe impact upon the sufferers health system.

They can cause problems like shortness of breath, severe vomiting, inflammation of different body parts etc. which are not to be trifled with.

If you observe any of the symptoms that we have mentioned, take the person to a doctor immediately to give him or her the proper diagnosis which they need.

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