Enuresis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Enuresis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

1. What Is Enuresis?

Enuresis is a common elimination disorder. It is a problem of bed-wetting at night. It has been classified on the basis of timing. The disorder which happens in daytime is called diurnal Enuresis. The disorder taking place at night is called nocturnal Enuresis. People may suffer from any of them but children are exceptions. Generally, they suffer from diurnal Enuresis as well as nocturnal Enuresis. Enuresis happens in two ways. If a person suffers from dryness, he is said to be suffering from primary Enuresis. When a person starts wetting, he is said to be suffering from secondary Enuresis.

2. What Are the Symptoms of Enuresis?

A person is said to be suffering from Enuresis when he loses control over bladder. He experiences repeated bed-wetting. He suffers from wetting regularly for three months. Sometime he complains about the problem of wetting in the dress. Some people even suffer from frequent urination problem. Urgency or burning is a major issue. The common symptom is repeated discharge of urine. The situation becomes more problematic when the discharge happens in clothes or bed. Constipation is another symptom.

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3. What Causes Enuresis?

A stressful life is considered to be the major cause of Enuresis. This disease is directly or indirectly related to other mental disorders as well. The most common reason is anxiety. Behavioral disorders or emotional disorders actually cause Enuresis. In some cases, it gets passed on to next generation. As far as body physique is concerned, it is also responsible. A person with small bladder tends to suffer early. Anyone who suffers from urinary tract infections also gets trapped into Enuresis. A forceful toilet training of a child at the young age can also be a cause.

4. How Is Common Enuresis?

Almost every child gets trapped in Enuresis. As per the expert review, generally, 7%of boys suffer from Enuresis. It happens when they belong to 5 years. Comparatively only 3% of girls suffer from Enuresis. With the increase in age the tendency to fall in this disease go down. Studies have proved that the proportionate is less at the age of 10. Only 3% of boys suffer from Enuresis whereas 2%of girls suffer from it. People suffering from Enuresis are more satisfactory at the age of 18. It is just 1%-1% of male and females.

5. How Is Enuresis Diagnosed?

Enuresis requires utmost care and medical treatment. The very first thing done is to have a medical exam. It is done to check if the person is suffering from any medical disorder. In some cases, lab tests are also performed. Medical disorders relating to urine are checked. Enuresis is also checked by doctors. If any disease is detected it is cured first. In the absence of any disorder, the doctor directly starts treatment for Enuresis. The doctor studies child’s symptoms and current behaviors. The medical treatment is then applied as per the case.

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6. How Is Enuresis Treated?

When it comes to treatment it is important to know the apt time when problem arises. Generally, behavior therapies are applied on the child. Among the number of researches done, the alarm therapy is considered best. Whenever a child wets the bed, the alarm gets ringed. A child automatically learns to respond accordingly. Another recommended technique is bladder training. It is like increasing intervals so that child holds urine for a long time. In some cases, medications are also applied. It decreases the amount of urine produced by kidneys.

7. What Is the Outlook for Children With Enuresis?

Enuresis can happen in any child. It can be prevented if proper measures are taken. Generally, children suffering from Enuresis always end up curing up. The improvement rate is 12% to 15 %. Most of the children get cured when they reach their teen years. Exceptions are always there. There are people who could not get cured at early ages. This is the reason they are suffering from Enuresis in adult age as well. The proportion of such people is just 1%.

8. Can Enuresis Be Prevented?

This is something almost everyone interrogates. Not every Enuresis can be cured. Not every Enuresis can be prevented as well. In such case, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. Make sure to be very positive with a child. It is important for the improvement of the child. It helps a child during toilet training. A pediatrician easily evaluates the symptoms of the child. The medical treatment can be applied accordingly. Even if the Enuresis cannot be cured, the problems related to it can be reduced. There is nothing to worry even if the Enuresis cannot be cured.

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